You want your wad in StooM ?
Step 1 : Understand how does the StooM's database work
The StooM's database is quite easy.
this is an example of the code of a wad called "DooM Gri-gri
title: DooM Gri-gri
description: Bla Bla Bla Bla yeah, this is the description :D
long_description: bla Bla Bla Bla Bla yeah, this description is longer than the above description
authors: Grise
has_cacoward: False
download_url: https://example/com/path/to/the/zip/wad/archive/
IsBest: False
downloaded: False
What is that?
- -- : StooM use that for know that it is the beggining of the wad, and the end of another wad.
- title : It is the name of the wad
- description : It is a short Description of the wad. It can be, for example, the number of maps, the wad theme etc. This is the description of the wad in the download tab
- long_description : It is a description of the wad. It is NOT the same. long_description can be much much bigger. This is the description of the wad in the personnal library
- authors : All in the name. it is the list of the authors. Please separeat them with ',' like : authors: Grise, NUKE, PhantomFang
- has_cacoward : It is a boolean that say to StooM if the wad have a Cacoward it is True when the wad have a Cacoward and False When the wad don't have one.
- image_url : this si the url of the picture of the wad. It will be displayed in the download tab. RECOMANDATIONS : It is recommanded to put a little picture here. Like : 320x
- banner_url : It is the banner of the wad. it is always the M_DOOM of a wad. (It is the picture on top of the main ingame menu when starting the game) But it can be another think. it have to be longer than hight
- download_url : this si the direct download link (also called DDL too) That mean that when we click on the link, I download directly the wad, and I don't go to a web page for click on a button that is used to download the wad.
- IsBest :This is used by stooM to put the wad in the favorites. When you put a wad in the StooM's database, you HAVE to put it on 'False'.
- downloaded This is used by StooM to know if the wad is downloaded. When you put a wad in the StooM's database, you HAVE to put it on 'False'.
- -- : StooM use that for know that it is the end of the wad, and the beggining of another wad.
Step 2 : Put it in the StooM's database.
You can do it in multiple ways.
Firstly : You HAVE to see if the wad that you want to put is allready in the database. This is easy : Ctrl + F and type the name :)
[NOT AVAILABLE YET] Here is the link of the StooM's database:
Hmmm I can't make a Pull Request on GitHub, I don't have a GitHub account.
2. If you don't want to have a GitHub account : Ok. In this case, Maybe someone can do it for you? For example, you can contact Grise