TODO (1680B)
1 debootsrap: allow using my own package lists 2 debootsrap: fix not unpacking when a file conflicts (for example /etc/issue in base-files) 3 busybox: improve integration by providing symlinks in /usr/local/bin 4 busybox: clean up the duplicates (provided by various other packages: iproute2, psmisc, for example) 5 runit: move the service directory to a ramdisk 6 runit: cgroups support; 7 runit: disable/remove Debian's sysvinit stuff; 8 runit: implement an option to automatically install a DHCP client on scanned NIC at boot or 1st-time boot? 9 runit: implement a watcher, so that changes in /etc/service will result in either *copying/removing* the folder to/from $SVDIR (which should be on ramdisk) and let runit handle things from that point. 10 runit: modify badconf() so that it writes a `./down` file instead of simply stopping sv 11 runit: unduplicate files from /etc/sv/ and /etc/service/ 12 runit: ip link set lo up 13 runit: allow configuration of language 14 kernel: verify both UEFI and legacy boot support; 15 kernel: Secure boot support? 16 kernel: improve system resilience by disabling overcommit 17 kernel: improve system resilience by fixing the random boot freeze 18 kernel: implement support for non-linux kernels 19 misc: install script; 20 misc: setup script; 21 misc: implement a better dialog (with a readline like) 22 misc: implement support for fakechroot(-ng?) 23 misc: automatically remove deleted files from vmtest 24 misc: set the domainname 25 ldap: make it work with fgetty 26 ldap: create a $HOME on 1st connection? 27 misc: put sv directories into packages 28 misc: only give PXE IP for systems requesting IP from the machine's firmware 29 misc: build a VPN 30 syslinux: change name of entries/menu to reflect the hostname