
scripts to make automated installations of debian easy
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      1 #!/bin/sh
      3 # This script aims to offer a friendly interface to manage runit services
      4 # Requires:
      5 # * dialog
      6 # * find
      7 # * $SVDIR which indicates the supervision folder
      8 # * $SVKNOWN which indicates a colon-separated list of places to search for
      9 #     existing services (duplicated services are *not* supported... yet?)
     10 # * $ACTION indicates how to manipulate services
     11 #
     12 # Currently supported $ACTION values:
     13 # * install: allows to register/unregister known services;
     14 #
     15 # Planned to support $ACTION values:
     16 # * enable: allows to enable/disable known services;
     17 # * toggle: same, via down file;
     19 printf "SVDIR=%s\nSVKNOWN=%s\n" ${SVDIR:="/etc/service"} ${SVKNOWN:="/etc/sv/"} >&2
     20 ACTION="enable"
     21 SV_LIST=""
     23 FINDOPT="-mindepth 1 -maxdepth 2 -name run "
     24 for SOURCE in $(printf ${SVKNOWN} | tr ':' '\t')
     25 do
     26 	SV_LIST="$SV_LIST	$(find -H $SOURCE $FINDOPT -exec sh -c \
     27 		'printf "%s %s off\n" $(dirname {}) $(dirname {})' \; | sort)"
     28 done
     30 SV_ENABLED=$(find -L ${SVDIR} $FINDOPT -exec sh -c \
     31 	'printf " -e '\''/%s off$/ s/off$/on/g'\'' " $(basename $(dirname {}))' \;)
     33 SV_CURRENT=$(printf "%s %s %s\n" $SV_LIST | eval sed $SV_ENABLED)
     35 DIALOG=$(mktemp -d)
     36 dialog --no-tags --checklist "List of service to $ACTION:" 0 0 0 $SV_CURRENT 2> $DIALOG/out
     37 SV_NEW_ENABLED=$(tr ' ' '\n' < $DIALOG/out | awk -F/ '{printf " -e '\''/%s off$/ s/off$/on/g'\'' \n", $NF}END{printf "\n"}')
     38 SV_NEXT=$(printf "%s %s %s\n" $SV_LIST | eval sed $SV_NEW_ENABLED)
     40 printf "%s\n" "$SV_CURRENT" > $DIALOG/curr
     41 printf "%s\n" "$SV_NEXT" > $DIALOG/next
     42 AWKPROG='
     43 {
     44 	if( $2 != $3 )
     45 	{
     46 		if( $2 == "on" )
     47 		{
     48 			last = split( $1, elem, "/" );
     49 			printf "rm %s/%s\n", svdir, elem[last];
     50 		}
     51 		else
     52 		{
     53 			printf "ln -s %s %s/\n", $1, svdir;
     54 		}
     55 	}
     56 }
     57 '
     58 paste -d ' ' $DIALOG/curr $DIALOG/next | cut -f1,3,6 -d ' ' | awk -F' ' -v svdir="$SVDIR" "$AWKPROG"
     59 rm -r $DIALOG