
configuration and runit scripts for RedEclipse 1.6 (template)
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weapons.cfg (8365B)

      1 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      2 /// damage over time
      3 /// there are 3 times of DoT:
      4 /// * burn
      5 /// * bleed
      6 /// * shock
      7 ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
      8 /// burn
      9 /// DoT duration in ms, try to allow an extra 500ms breathing room for sync
     10 // sv_burntime 5500
     11 /// DoT damage interval in ms
     12 // sv_burndelay 1000
     13 /// DoT damage per interval
     14 // sv_burndamage 3
     16 /// bleed
     17 /// DoT duration in ms, try to allow an extra 500ms breathing room for sync
     18 // sv_bleedtime 5500
     19 /// DoT damage interval in ms
     20 // sv_bleeddelay 1000
     21 /// DoT damage per interval
     22 // sv_bleeddamage 3
     24 /// shock
     25 /// DoT duration in ms, try to allow an extra 500ms breathing room for sync
     26 // sv_shocktime 5500
     27 /// DoT damage interval in ms
     28 // sv_shockdelay 1000
     29 /// DoT damage per interval
     30 // sv_shockdamage 3
     32 // weapon variables are in the form of sv_<weapon><attribute>[1|2], where weapon is the name of the weapon
     33 //  attribute is one of the following attributes, and 1|2 applies if the attribute differs between primary and secondary
     34 //
     35 //  name: displayed name for the weapon in-game
     36 //  modes: bitmask of game modes in which this weapon is allowed (if positive), or disallowed (if negative), see $modebit list above
     37 //  muts: bitmask of mutators in which this weapon is allowed (if positive), or disallowed (if negative), see $mutsbit list above
     38 //  ammoadd: the amount added when picking up the weapon or reloading it
     39 //  ammomax: the maximum amount the clip of this weapon can hold
     40 //  ammosub[1|2]: the amount taken from the clip for each firing action, set to zero for unlimited ammo
     41 //  delayattack[1|2]: the time it takes after each firing action for the weapon to be ready again
     42 //  delayreload: the time it takes for the weapon to reload one 'add' unit
     43 //  damage[1|2]: the amount of damage a projectile from each firing action does
     44 //  speed[1|2]: the speed of a projectile from each firing action
     45 //  power[1|2]: when more than zero, determines that the weapon can be 'cooked' this long before firing
     46 //  time[1|2]: the maximum lifetime of a projectile for each firing action
     47 //  proxdelay[1|2]: when more than zero, projectiles from this weapon will be delayed this long
     48 //  guideddelay[1|2]: when more than zero, projectiles from this weapon will delay guided settings by this long
     49 //  escapedelay[1|2]: when more than zero, projectiles from this weapon will not be able to hurt its owner for this long
     50 //  explode[1|2]: if more than zero, a projectile from this firing action will explode at the end of its life or based on collision settings
     51 //  rays[1|2]: the amount of projectiles spawned from one shot of each firing action
     52 //  spread[1|2]: determines the amount a projectile from each firing action skews off-center
     53 //  spreadz[1|2]: when zero, keeps spread projectiles aligned horizontally, else divide the z axis this much
     54 //  aiskew[1|2]: determines 'added stupidity' for each weapon for AI counterparts
     55 //  fragweap[1|2]: when projectiles from this firing action are destroyed, create projectiles from this kind of weapon (+10 = alt fire for the weapon)
     56 //  flakdamage[1|2]: flak of this type deals this much damage
     57 //  fragrays[1|2]: when creating flak, create this many projectiles for it
     58 //  fragtime[1|2]: flak projectiles from this weapon last this long
     59 //  fragspeed[1|2]: flak projectiles from this weapon start with this much speed (may be influenced by flakspread/flakskew and flakrel)
     60 //  collide[1|2]: bitwise value which determines collision properties for a projectile from each firing action
     62 //  extinguish[1|2]: determines if a projectile from each firing action is extinguished by water
     63 //  cooked[1|2]: determines what happens the longer a weapon is cooked (bitmask): 0 = cannot be cooked, 1 = projectile becomes bigger, 2 = projectile becomes smaller, 4 = projectile lasts longer, 8 = projectile disappears sooner, 16 = projectile moves faster, 32 = projectile moves slower, 64 = create extra projectiles, 128 = switch to scope view before shooting (this last one applies to secondary fire only)
     64 //  guided[1|2]: determines guided style for a projectile, 0 = off, 1 = follow crosshair, 2 = home crosshair target (+1 only first target), 4 = home projectile target (+1 only first target)
     65 //  radial[1|2]: boolean 0 or 1, sets a projectile for each firing action to do continuous radial damage inside the 'explode' radius during transit
     66 //  residual[1|2]: determines if a projectile from each firing action has one or more residual effects, 0 = off, 1 = burns, 2 = bleeds, 4 = shocks
     67 //  residualundo[1|2]: determines if a projectile can put out the residual effects above
     68 //  fullauto[1|2]: boolean 0 or 1, determines if each firing action is fully automatic (click-and-hold) or not (click-and-click)
     69 //  disabled: determines if this weapon type is allowed to be used at all
     70 //  laser: determines if this weapon has a laser pointer which is projected to the point where the player is aiming
     71 //  taperin[1|2]: determines the maximum amount a projectile from each firing action is allowed to 'taper in' to over its lifetime
     72 //  taperout[1|2]: determines the maximum amount a projectile from each firing action is allowed to 'taper out' to over its lifetime
     73 //  elasticity[1|2]: multiplier of velocity for a projectile of each firing action when doing a bounce event
     74 //  reflectivity[1|2]: guard angle for a projectile of each firing action when doing a bounce event
     75 //  relativity[1|2]: multiplier of player velocity added to a projectile of each firing action
     76 //  waterfric[1|2]: multiplier of velocity for a projectile of each firing action when in water
     77 //  weight[1|2]: relative weight for a projectile of each firing action
     78 //  radius[1|2]: determines the size for a projectile of each firing action
     79 //  kickpush[1|2]: determines the amount of pushback from shooting each firing action
     80 //  hitpush[1|2]: determines the amount of pushback from getting hit by this projectile
     81 //  slow[1|2]: slow target hit with a projectile from this by this ammount
     82 //  aidist[1|2]: determines the 'maximum distance' a weapon can be shot at, used by AI to determine weapon effectiveness ranges
     83 //  partsize[1|2]: determines the maximum particle size of a projectile from each firing action
     84 //  partlen[1|2]: determines the maximum tape particle length of a projectile from each firing action
     85 //  frequency: determines the multiplier of itemspawntime in which items of this type respawn in
     86 //  wavepush[1|2]: determines the multiplier of explode radius this weapon pushes in
     87 //  delta[1|2]: determines the amount by which each firing action is guided
     88 //  trace[1|2]: determines the multiplier of length to apply to traced weapons
     89 //  damagehead[1|2]: determines the multiplier of damage for head shots
     90 //  damagetorso[1|2]: determines the multiplier of damage for torso shots
     91 //  damagelegs[1|2]: determines the multiplier of damage for leg shots
     92 //  damageself[1|2]: determines whether this weapon can hit the player who fired it
     93 //  damageteam[1|2]: determines whether this weapon can hit teammates of the player who fired it
     94 //  damagepenalty[1|2]: determines whether team-kills caused by this weapon should result in point loss
     95 //  fragscale[1|2]: flak created by this firing action is scaled by this much
     96 //  fragspread[1|2]: flak created by this firing action spreads its direction randomly by this much if it doesn't impact a player
     97 //  fragrel[1|2]: flak created by this firing action retains this much of its parent relative momentum
     98 //  fragoffset[1|2]: flak created by this firing action is offset by this distance if it impacts a player before being created
     99 //  fragskew[1|2]: flak created by this firing action spreads its direction randomly by this much when it impacts a player
    100 //  wavepush[1|2]: flak determines the multiplier of explode radius this weapon pushes in
    102 exec weapons/melee.cfg
    103 exec weapons/claw.cfg
    104 exec weapons/pistol.cfg
    106 exec weapons/sword.cfg
    107 exec weapons/shotgun.cfg
    108 exec weapons/smg.cfg
    109 exec weapons/flamer.cfg
    110 exec weapons/plasma.cfg
    111 exec weapons/zapper.cfg
    112 exec weapons/rifle.cfg
    114 exec weapons/grenade.cfg
    115 exec weapons/mine.cfg
    116 exec weapons/rocket.cfg